Storage Capacity and Level of Security of Online Storage

bg657Two of the key factors in looking for an online storage is storage capacity and level of security an online storage provider can offer.
The issue of security is very crucial in choosing an online storage because this is the place where you will keep your sensitive and important files. It is but right that you should have the guarantee that the company’s server will be protected and secured against hacking or any virus.

If the level of security is low, your data is prone to a lot of security risks. Unauthorized access may be a possibility. Password protection plus encryption during file transfer are very important. If you want to make sure that you have a secured website, it is recommended that you go with a reliable and reputable company that has been in the industry for a long time. Paid service is always a better option than free services when it comes to security.
Storage capacity is another factor that you should look into. If you are only storing personal files, you can do with 2 GB to up 10 GB. You can get free online services if you have a small amount of data to store and be charged for about $5 a month for a 20 GB of space.

If you are to keep back up files your company, think about the amount of space you need. Company data increases as days go by and you can be given ample storage space if you go with paid services. You can just request for an updated package if you need more space than what you currently have.

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